social media

Dad to Buy Daughters Puppy After They Get One Million Facebook Likes In A Day
Dad to Buy Daughters Puppy After They Get One Million Facebook Likes In A Day
Dad to Buy Daughters Puppy After They Get One Million Facebook Likes In A Day
It's a scenario which has played out in countless homes over the years. The kids want a puppy, but the dad isn't so sure it's a good idea. But when the Cordell girls, Cadence, 12, and Emerson, 9, went to their father Ryan with their canine request, he added a social media clause -- he would get his daughters a dog if they could get one million likes on Facebook.
Why Facebook Will Now Forever Suck
Why Facebook Will Now Forever Suck
Why Facebook Will Now Forever Suck
Timeline isn't Facebook's last resort on ruining this once beloved social networking site. According to, Facebook will soon be showing people who exactly views their profile. STALKING IS OVER, FACEBOOK IS OVER.  Apparently Facebook has already begun these changes...
Study Finds Decreased Social Media Use Among Many Younger People
Study Finds Decreased Social Media Use Among Many Younger People
Study Finds Decreased Social Media Use Among Many Younger People
A study by technology research firm Gartner, which recently surveyed 6,295 people between the ages of 13 and 74, reveals almost a quarter of 18- to 29-year-olds use social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter less than when they first signed up for the services, with many saying the services simply aren’t that much fun anymore.
#LessAmbitiousMovies Takes Over Twitter, Hilarity Ensues
#LessAmbitiousMovies Takes Over Twitter, Hilarity Ensues
#LessAmbitiousMovies Takes Over Twitter, Hilarity Ensues
Last night around midnight my Twitter feed started being overrun by the hashtag #lessambitiousmovies. After reading a couple of them it was pretty clear this Twitter "game" was awesome. The whole idea is to take a movie and pull back a bit on the drama, excitement or action. Here are some shots of my favorites from Buffalo "tweeters" and some of the more popular ones world wide