Harry Potter

Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Diagon Alley Joins the Muggle World of Google Maps
Like many Harry Potter fans, we are convinced that our Hogwarts acceptance letter was hidden away by cruel parents on our 11th birthday, or else it somehow got lost in owl-post. Either way, we've been cruelly denied the opportunity to stroll the famous, cobbled street in order to shop for magical school supplies.
Potter Babies
Potter Babies
Potter Babies
We'd like to take a moment to give sweet, sweet thanks to our girl J.K. Rowling for introducing us to the coolest wizard of all time-- Harry Potter. Why? Because he rules. Remember how Harry fought off Lord Voldemort and had an awesome pet owl? It's impressive stuff.
Quidditch Beer Pong Is the Nerdiest Drinking Game Ever
Quidditch Beer Pong Is the Nerdiest Drinking Game Ever
Quidditch Beer Pong Is the Nerdiest Drinking Game Ever
Ever since the whole 'Harry Potter' franchise came into existence, our lives have become infinitely better. For starters, our cats now have adorable costumes to wear and we've learned tons of awesome spells. But there's one thing 'Harry Potter' has given us that undoubtedly reigns supreme in our books: Quidditch.
10 Real Life ‘Harry Potter’ Destinations You Can Visit
10 Real Life ‘Harry Potter’ Destinations You Can Visit
10 Real Life ‘Harry Potter’ Destinations You Can Visit
If you love 'Harry Potter,' you just might be happier than a Muggle with a new wand after you go through this list. What better way to indulge your Potter fantasies than by visiting some of the actual places made famous by the films? Check out these spots and start planning your Harry Potter adventure today!
Who’s Up For Some Quidditch?
Who’s Up For Some Quidditch?
Who’s Up For Some Quidditch?
'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2' is now in theaters so we wanted to give you a glimpse into the exhilarating sport of Quidditch that these movies have inspired. We're not really sure how to play, and we're not really sure if we want to know how. But, here's some videos to clue us in.

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