video game

10 Funniest Video Game Temper Tantrums
10 Funniest Video Game Temper Tantrums
10 Funniest Video Game Temper Tantrums
Gamers can be a fickle bunch. We’re passionate about our hobby. We love it. That’s why you get shouting matches over Xbox Live and pelvic thrusting taunts in Uncharted 3 Mulitplayer. When we do well, we want to shout it loud into the nearest microphone. But, some of us aren’t very graceful at losing or keeping our hobby under control.
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My favorite feature in the Madden series has always been the franchise mode where you get to draft new players. As a frustrated Buffalo Bills fan, it gave me control of the team and the ability to build the team we always hoped for. In Madden 2013, they now call it Connected Careers, and it's more difficult than ever to find a great players in the draft. But let me help you out. I finally finished