
Holland School Vapor Sensors Making Parents Mad
Holland School Vapor Sensors Making Parents Mad
Holland School Vapor Sensors Making Parents Mad
Parents on Twitter were mad about schools having sensors in the bathroom to alert the administration of kids breaking the rules. The Holland Schools have the same sensors to alert principals if someone is vaping in the bathroom. Apparently, the sensors detect the chemicals in the vape and will sound the alarm.
Principal Told Teacher Her Outfit Is Inappropriate + Nobody Knows Why [PICTURE]
Principal Told Teacher Her Outfit Is Inappropriate + Nobody Knows Why [PICTURE]
Principal Told Teacher Her Outfit Is Inappropriate + Nobody Knows Why [PICTURE]
I don't get it? Over the weekend, this picture was on Facebook of a teacher who was told by administration that her outfit was inappropriate to wear to work. Then she was just simply asked to never wear it again. The post exploded with over 1,200 comments before it was disabled and many of the people were confused, thought many pointed out that the boots may have been inappropriate for the school.
pain = extra credit [video]
pain = extra credit [video]
pain = extra credit [video]
I'm not sure why anyone would volunteer for punishment, but these pain, screams, and agony is very, very real. High school students at Barberton High in Ohio were taking a career tech education course in criminal science, and volunteered to be pepper sprayed...

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