
Creepy Urban Legends To Spook You!
Creepy Urban Legends To Spook You!
Creepy Urban Legends To Spook You!
Ah, Halloween: the one time of year when it’s completely appropriate to scare the fecal matter out of loved ones and friends. If your goal is to make sure children can’t sleep at night, a disturbing urban legend is just the ammunition you need.
Scariest Sights of 2012
Scariest Sights of 2012
Scariest Sights of 2012
2012 was a great year for horror movies, so coming up with a list of the Best Horror Movies of 2012 wasn't all that challenging. (Or maybe that makes creating a list of the Best Horror Movies of 2012 that much more difficult?) In any event, we're proud to present to you what we think are the 10 Best Horror Movies of the year. Did your favorite make the cut?
Inside Your Belly...
Inside Your Belly...
Inside Your Belly...
The belly button is a feral petri dish full of all sorts of exotic bacteria most closely resembling a rain forest, according to a recent study.