Buffalo “SPUD LAUNCHERS to Launch Potatoes into Space: Interview with “Spud Launcher” Toriana Cornwell! [Video]
Buffalo “SPUD LAUNCHERS to Launch Potatoes into Space: Interview with “Spud Launcher” Toriana Cornwell! [Video]
Buffalo “SPUD LAUNCHERS to Launch Potatoes into Space: Interview with “Spud Launcher” Toriana Cornwell! [Video]
This is a pretty amazing story regarding 3 female students, namley: Toriana Cornwell, Gabrielle Melendez, and Shaniylah Welch, who embarked upon a mission to do research using potatoes including launching them into space.  The girls presented their idea to the SSEP (Student Spaceflight Experiment Program) Competition and won, earning them a trip to Cape Canaveral in Florida to watch the launching
Letchworth State Park Viewed From Space From the ISS
Letchworth State Park Viewed From Space From the ISS
Letchworth State Park Viewed From Space From the ISS
Here's another cool find from the International Space Station from the NASA website of Letchworth State Park from last winter. If you follow this link, you can actually zoom-in to pieces of the photo, or just go to the NASA page and kill countless hours (but it will LOOK like you're working) ...

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