courtney love

Courtney Love To Judge TV Reality Contest?
Courtney Love To Judge TV Reality Contest?
Courtney Love To Judge TV Reality Contest?
Why didn't we think of this? When unveiled our picks for Rockers We'd Like To See As 'The Voice' Mentors last year, Courtney Love was nowhere to be seen. But in retrospect, the walking drama magnet is the perfect choice to appear as a personality on a reality TV singing competition, and apparently, she's in talks to do just that.
Courtney Love Authorizes Kurt Cobain Documentary
Courtney Love Authorizes Kurt Cobain Documentary
Courtney Love Authorizes Kurt Cobain Documentary
While rumors regarding a Broadway musical based on Kurt Cobain's early years appear to have been untrue, Courtney Love seems to be going forward with another project to honor her late husband. Apparently, she has given the go-ahead for a documentary with an expected release date of 2014.
Nirvana Musical
Nirvana Musical
Nirvana Musical
She hasn't released an album in a couple of years, but that doesn't mean Courtney Love isn't busy -- in fact, if one recent report is correct, she's getting ready to revisit Kurt Cobain's legacy with a musical inspired by his early years in Nirvana.