
Strange Animals
Strange Animals
Strange Animals
Here at TheFW, we have a special talent for scoping out all things adorable. You know, like moths and little Darth Vaders. It's the sort of stuff that just brightens the heck out of our days. Today we'd like to share with you another find that fits this bill-- cute porcupines.
17 Adorable Animals Wearing Casts
17 Adorable Animals Wearing Casts
17 Adorable Animals Wearing Casts
To be clear, we do not take delight in the misfortune of these poor animals. We are merely taking delight in HOW CUTE THEIR LITTLE CASTS ARE! Agh! Give in and take a look. We pretty much guarantee you will be cheered up. And who doesn't need cheering up on a Monday?
Furry Friends
Furry Friends
Furry Friends
We don't know what the weather's like where you are, but it is a chilly, grey, rainy Monday here, so we need this. In fact, even if it's totally gorgeous where you are, these pictures and GIFs of animal best buds is probably worth a look. First of all, they're really cute. Secondly, they'll probably cheer you up. Last, why wouldn't you want to see a seal cuddling a penguin?! Enjoy!
Adorable Quokkas
Adorable Quokkas
Adorable Quokkas
If you're anything like us, right now you're probably mentally screaming, "WHAT? What is this?!! How have I never seen this adorable creature anymore?" Don't feel too bad -- it's a quokka, and it lives primarily on some islands off the coast of Australia, and is currently listed as being a "vulnerable" animal. So it's not like they're walking around all over the place. Read Mor
Axl Rose Planning to Buy a Tiger?
Axl Rose Planning to Buy a Tiger?
Axl Rose Planning to Buy a Tiger?
Only a man of some social significance knows where to buy a tiger, and it seems Axl Rose may qualify. The Guns N' Roses singer was heard discussing his plans to purchase a big cat during a wild Monday night that included Leonardo DiCaprio, Jonah Hill and a "harem of ladies."

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