
Tommy Tutone Can Save You Money
Tommy Tutone Can Save You Money
Tommy Tutone Can Save You Money
Many grocery stores have rewards cards. You've seen them -- in exchange for letting the store datamine your purchasing behavior, you get discounts off your bill. Some people, though, are creeped out by the whole thing and feel it's an invasion of their privacy, so they skip those discounts. But they may not have to anymore. Savvy shoppers have figured out a way to get the cheaper food and ward off
We had no cell phone and we liked it!
We had no cell phone and we liked it!
We had no cell phone and we liked it!
Ok, I may not exactly be a trendsetter here,you may have already gotten this sent to you by your weird Uncle Phil who wears his boxers and sandals around the house. Nonetheless, here's a hilarious take on how easy kids have it today that was sent to us by one of our listeners. If you grew up in the 80's you'll definately identify. Enjoy.