
#LessAmbitiousMovies Takes Over Twitter, Hilarity Ensues
#LessAmbitiousMovies Takes Over Twitter, Hilarity Ensues
#LessAmbitiousMovies Takes Over Twitter, Hilarity Ensues
Last night around midnight my Twitter feed started being overrun by the hashtag #lessambitiousmovies. After reading a couple of them it was pretty clear this Twitter "game" was awesome. The whole idea is to take a movie and pull back a bit on the drama, excitement or action. Here are some shots of my favorites from Buffalo "tweeters" and some of the more popular ones world wide
Surely, Leslie Nielson Will Be Missed
Surely, Leslie Nielson Will Be Missed
Surely, Leslie Nielson Will Be Missed
Was there a better comedy than Airplane? Leslie Nielson made himself a comedy icon when he uttered the line “I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.” Here's some of the best moments from Leslie Nielson including footage from the underrated Police Squad TV show from 1982.
Movie openings: Harry Potter and the yada, yada, yada
Movie openings: Harry Potter and the yada, yada, yada
Movie openings: Harry Potter and the yada, yada, yada
Did you hear the one about the Hufflepuff who gave his Kneazle a bath? More about that later, but weather you're a slitheren or a muggle you're gonna love the new Harry Potter movie opening in Regal Theater's this weekend. Seriously, we don't know Jack about Harry Potter...
Dancing With The Stars For Real
Dancing With The Stars For Real
Dancing With The Stars For Real
Don't ask me why, but ever since my mother played me Fred Astaire's "Singing in the Rain," I've been fascinated by random dancing and singing in movies. It's the funniest stuff! Everybody gets up and breaks loose in perfectly choreographed routines right in the middle of conversations, and it seems totally plausible.