Single fathers have daughters who are going through puberty or their little girl is turning into a woman physically and emotionally. Josh Misner recently was asked by his daughter to attend a 'Girls Night Out' at school and honored that she felt comfortable enough to bring him, he obliged. The objective is to, as a group talk about puberty and what happens as the girls get older. In his blog, he wrote:

So, I talked about periods.

I guessed out loud how much blood a girl loses during each one, and I proudly fielded a question and showed that I know periods last three to seven days, on average.

I had no issue whatsoever with informing others that the typical cycle from one period to the next is usually about 28 days, nor did I take offense with being asked to show the importance of charting said cycles.

I reassured my little girl by telling her that, just before starting her period, she might just feel like friends and family are suddenly annoying and intolerable, and that’s all right, because many girls do.

I didn’t wince nor whisper when I told her that she might get her period tomorrow, or she might get it five or more years from now, but that no matter when it happens, she is still 100% perfectly normal, no matter how it might feel to her at the time, and that her mother and I will be there for her to answer any questions she might have, no matter what.

Lastly, I guaranteed my daughter that I would be available any time she needs me to buy tampons or pads for her, but then I also reminded her that, someday, when she feels like she’s ready for a relationship, that any boy worth her time will feel the same. Any guy too ashamed to tell the world he has a girl with a working uterus at home is not worth her time or attention.

Good for that guy.

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